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The election for 18th Lok Sabha, just concluded, was held from 19 April to 1 June 2024 in seven phases to elect all 543 members and vote counting the result was declared on 4th June. Out of 97 crores eligible voters, nearly 64 crore came out in the scorching heat to elect their representatives. This was the largest-ever election in history, surpassing the earlier elections and lasted for 44 days. BJP and NDA won won 293 seats with BJP being the dominant partner with 240 seats much below their expectation. The opposition alliance parties INDIA secured 235 seats, with congress winning 99 seats. In the Delhi election, BJP continued its winning clean sweep for the third consecutive time by winning all the 7 seats comfortably. Kamaljeet Sehrawat, who was a sitting MCD councilor was the BJP candidate from West Delhi, and she defeated AAP candidate Mahabal Mishra by nearly 2 lakh votes. It is good news that the new MP, Smt. Kamaljeet Sehrawat is from the Dwarka sub city itself. She knows the problems as she is living in the same atmosphere and knows the day-to-day problems. She is educated, well read and has served as Mayor of MCD and councilor, so knows the details of the sub city and residents. 

What the people of Dwarka expects from MP Kamaljeet Sahrawat:

Our expectation from the new Mp is listed as under : ....
(i) Regular supply of water maintained uninterruptedly by DJB. DJB must supply water to all Societies, through water tankers, charging minimum admissible amount in crisis.
(ii) Pits, broken internal/service lanes, and pedestrian walking-paths at various places in Dwarka should be identified and concerned authorities should take immediate action.
(iii) To curb the "high speeding" vehicles in service lanes, backside lanes "speed breakers" be laid down on internal roads/service lanes.
(iv)  The iron railings of DDA's corner plots at cross-sections and DDA parks should be erected to stop anti-social activities. Police vigil/beat-police personnel routine movements, especially in the nights need to be more intensive . (v) The newly elected MP must take necessary steps in helping the poor stray dogs to dwell at one specific identified area (cornered from all sides) in all the concerned Parks in Dwarka and should not be relocated. The stray dogs must be provided with medical care/attention, too, whenever they get injuries or face any sickness/illness.
Sunil Agnihotri

We got a local resident, rather than a neighbour, elected as Member of Parliament. Congratulations to her. When a local resident gets elected, there are expectations - effective representation, legislative engagement, constituency service, and public engagement. MPs engage with the public through meetings, forums, social media and other platforms to gather feedback, communicate and connect with constituents. She is expected to provide assistance and support to her constituents, helping them navigate government services and address local issues. As an educated and experienced person, she may serve on various parliamentary committees where her contributions to these committees can shape policy decisions of the government. She will participate in the legislative process by proposing bills and voting on bills that come before parliament. Her focus might include areas of concern to Dwarka – Delhi West. The elected individual is expected to represent the interests and concerns of the constituency in the parliament. This includes raising issues affecting the local community, advocating for policies that benefit constituents, and being accessible to constituents for feedback and assistance. Hope, she will rise to the occasion as she is capable of it.
P. Menon

Ashirwad Apartments, Sector-12
I have following expectations from my MP-
(a) Work towards strengthening the nation economically and militarily with focus on indigenization. (b) To focus and get implemented policies on reduction of pollution level in Delhi. Improved incentives for solar energy. (c) To take up with the railway Minister for restoration of travel concessions for senior citizens. These were withdrawn during covid pandemic. (d) The burden of income tax on the middle income group and pensioners must be brought out forcefully. (e) Ours is an agrarian economy. The focus should gradually shift to an industrialized and manufacturing based economy. I expect my MP to participate in debates on these issues.
AVM S K Sharma

Air Force and Naval Officers Enclave, Sector-7
My expectation from new MP is to resolve problem of water scarcity, traffic congestion, pollution control, free footpaths from encroachment, proper lighting in dark spots, speed breakers at strategic points. There can be many more but let her address this.
Rohit Uberoi, President
Royal Green Apartments, Sector-11

Public toilets (For both man / woman) - Public toilets in the Dwarka markets are not found, if any old toilet is there, they are in bad shape. Both Gents toilets and pink toilets for women are required in the market of sector 6 /10, market of sector 4/5. Also, toilets are required outside societies for maids / labourers. Toilets on the large intersection / roundabouts of the road, like footpath of sector 13, pocket B (opposite Vegas mall)
Sanjeev Kumar Bindlish, Secretary
Rotary Club of Delhi, Govinda

My expectations from New MP are that she should resolve old pending issues of garbage segregation and cleanliness everywhere. Footpaths should be repaired on top priority as many accidents have taken place.
Neeru Gupta

Dwarka badly needs a library offering various types of books-the categories can be discussed when the request for a library is considered by the new MP. My expectation from the MP is that she should make a libraryin Dwarka.
Promila, Abhiyan Appt. Sector-12

We the residents of Rainbow Apartments want a solution to the water crisis which has worsened further. Though DJB officials have supported us, regular basis supply is expected from the pipeline. There is an urgent need for a separate UGR for our pocket. We want installation of CCTV cameras, Jhula or swings for Children and drainage cleaning. 
P Sashikala, Secretary
Indradhanush RWA, Pocket-6, Sector-12

Immediate issues for the new MP of Dwarka include expanding the Dwarka flyover and addressing footpath and road encroachments. Establishing an economical event centre, expanding parking at Dwarka District Court, and modernizing Indira Gandhi Hospital under Central Government are crucial. An independent postgraduate college for women, a senior citizens' centre, and separate old age homes are needed. Additionally, community shopping centres, public libraries in sports complexes, public conveniences in marketplaces, inter-sector transport, the Bijwasan railway junction, central schools, and accessible CCRT facilities are essential.
K S Bhati, Advocate

An enhanced coordination between various agencies and departments for efficient execution of projects and services.   Creation of new infrastructure and maintenance of existing facilities such as roads, drainage systems, electric poles and surveillance cameras.  Removal of encroachments in market and roads obstructing pathways and public spaces. Irregular Water supply and groundwater contamination require immediate attention. Access to clean and supply of adequate potable water. Parks, particularly the crossroad park, need significant enhancements. Special attention to create spaces for elderly and very young children.
Enhancement in safety and security for the residents.
 Nitin Khirwar
President, Prabhavi Apartment, Sector - 10

Dwarkaites are well aware of their socio-cultural and environmental responsibilities. What they expect from their esteemed representative during her tenure are Convenient eco- friendly transport system within Dwarka,  well connected with  major bus routes and metro  stations. Garbage recycling unit is a must so that markets and all other places are free of garbage. Dwarka is known for its well laid gardens and parks but only a few are in good condition. There should be a few Parks exclusively for children. An interstate bus terminal is needed in the city. 
On weekends the Raahgiri program should be revived to bring cheerfulness in the sub city.
Crossings should be free of beggars.
Usha Zalpuri, Shakti Aptts, Sector 5

As a concerned resident of Dwarka, I do have some expectations from our new MP. Seeing a lot of construction in Dwarka makes me happy on the one hand but apprehensive on the other. I am worried about this expeditious construction. It will bereave us of the greenery and fresh air by cutting down trees. I urge the installation of CCTV cameras and streetlights. PCR vans deployment at various locations. Good-quality water should be supplied on a regular basis. She should actively engage with the community, listen to their concerns to collaboratively improve Dwarka.
Shilpi Bhardwaj, Sector 19, Dwarka

Serving as an MP is both a privilege and a responsibility, that comes with a set of expectations from those who have placed their trust in their representative. We, as local residents, expect our MP to be accessible, approachable, and responsive to our concerns, considering her past ‘public connect’. We expect her to be proactive in seeking out opportunities for funding, resources, healthcare, education, and infrastructure development. It is expected, beyond addressing immediate concerns, she demonstrates vision by acting with integrity in her role, and leadership in advocating for the constituents, fostering a stronger democracy.
Ritu Sharma, Swami Dayanand Society
Sector 6, Dwarka 

Constituency service is important both to citizens and politicians – indeed; it is an accepted and expected part of the job. All will agree that the public believes that some form or the other of constituency service is the most important part of an MP's role, while MPs themselves no doubt see the benefit of meeting voters' needs for various reasons, not least to improve their chances of re-election - most of the politicians have taken a route of freebees and reservation policies to secure their own future. The fact remains that parliamentarians consider law-making to be their most important role, followed by holding the government to account and solving constituents' problems; whereas citizens see at solving citizens' problems, followed by law-making, and promoting the interests and economy of their constituency. Every sect of the society looks at support from parliamentarians from their point of view - roads, schools, houses, transport, food, water, electricity, non-inflationary measures, various other conveniences, law & order and so on……
The question remains if we have normative expectations (how it should or is supposed to perform) or anticipatory expectations (how something will or anticipated) From my point of view, I will prefer to focus on addressing shortcomings & doing improvements in conveniences/services for seniors as well as specially-abled persons. Taking concrete steps to save the environment - reduce pollution and increase green covers, waste management including complete ban on manufacturing of plastic materials. Law and order - to make the city as well as the country, safe for every citizen. The law must be highly strict with enhanced punishments. Last but not least, let there be a bill passed in the parliament to make every bureaucrat, politician and public servant; answerable for their deeds and acts.
Shanu Wadhwa

Having served as a councilor and later a mayor, she is familiar with the length and breadth of Dwarka and its problems. However as the MP of Lok Sabha constituency, the local issues may not be under her jurisdiction. But she can always try to get parliament’s support in issues related to investment in infrastructure, in getting laws enacted to suit the geography etc. I don’t know if she can help us in Society matters by approaching the LG. Societies of Dwarka had taken up certain issues with the federation of RWA such as compliance from Fire Officer, Delhi, relaxation of latest rules for Rainwater Harvesting system etc.
Ananda Shankar Chaudhury
Shakti Apartments

As a concerned citizen I request for Road Construction, Enhanced Security, and Improved General Facilities and traffic congestion issues faced by residents and commuters at Dwarka Mor. 1. Road Construction and Maintenance: The current state of the roads in our area is quite poor. Potholes and uneven surfaces not only pose a danger to motorists and pedestrians but also contribute to vehicle damage and accidents. 2. Enhanced Security Measures: There has been a noticeable increase in crime rates in our locality. Incidents of theft, vandalism, and other criminal activities have left the residents feeling unsafe. We urge you to allocate more resources to our local police force and consider implementing additional security measures, such as improved street lighting and surveillance cameras, to enhance the safety of our neighborhood. 3. Improvement of General Facilities: Our community lacks essential facilities, including parks, community centers, and public restrooms. These amenities are crucial for fostering a sense of community and improving the overall well-being of residents.
4. Traffic congestion : The current traffic management system is inadequate, leading to severe traffic jams, especially during peak hours. This situation causes significant inconvenience, delays, and stress for everyone who relies on this route for their daily commute.
Adv.  Ashish Jain
I would expect from my political representative 
A. Financials: 1.    Every Senior Citizen, not getting pension from Govt, should get a monthly pension – amount is immaterial – which will give them status in the Society and will mentally encourage them to spend on their grand-children.  2. Senior Citizens should be exempted from paying Income Tax since they have been paying the same throughout their career honestly as TDS.  
3. Bank interest rate should be flat instead of varying one, to avoid confusion, in which scheme to deposit, 4. To restore rail ticket concession.
B. Social: 1. MP should call all the concerned to sort out issues be it cleanliness, road maintenance, park maintenance or so. Many casualties took place because of negligence of the maintenance staff. 
2. There are many Community Centres throughout Delhi with many rooms available and lying vacant throughout the year.  Suggest, one room be allotted to Senior Citizens NGO, who will use the same for the betterment of the seniors of the area and spend quality time there.
3. Periodic informal meetings with Senior Citizens  4. This is the only segment which is growing everyday and if handled well, would pay dividends.
Ravi Jaitley
Dwarka Senior Citizen Hub

We anticipate your leadership in safeguarding the environment by endorsing legislation that fosters renewable energy and diminishes pollution. Making solar energy utilization mandatory in communal spaces within societies should be a primary objective. Waste management and disposal demand immediate attention. Enhancing public services is paramount; citizens aspire for improved transportation, cleaner streets, expanded transportation networks (including more metro feeder buses), sanitation facilities, healthcare services, educational institutions, well-kept parks and roads (complete with adequate lighting), orderly markets, and the eradication of encroachments. Road Safety is a menace in Dwarka sub city. At any time of the day, one can see traffic offenders on the road causing inconvenience to the fellow travelers and unsafe conditions for locals. Ensuring access to healthcare for all the residents remains imperative, and vigilance over private hospitals is essential. Staying in touch with Resident Welfare Associations (RWAs) will help you understand the issues on the ground and their redressal. Above all, your accessibility and responsiveness will cultivate trust and underscore your dedication to representing their interests. 
Ritcha Madan
Dharam Apartments, Sector 18
We express our confidence in her ability to serve our community effectively. We expect Mrs. Sehrawat to prioritize important issues in our area, particularly focusing on DDA-related work such as the improvement of roads and footpaths. Encroachment remains a significant concern in Dwarka, and we trust that our newly elected MP will address this matter promptly and efficiently. 
Anjana Sinha, President 
Dwarkadheesh Apartment, General Secretary, Dwarka Forum

As a resident of Dwarka, I would like to bring to your attention to few pressing issues that need immediate attention:
1. The numerous illegal roadside shops that are causing significant obstruction and safety concerns and turn a well planned Dwarka into a clutter. 2. The critical shortage of water supply, which is essential for our community's well-being. 3. The weekly vegetable markets which are left in a mess after they are closed.  Sector 23 witnesses twice a week with all the mess left for the residence to clear 4. Sector 23 is surrounded by schools all around.  The busses are parked all around the residences.  Please have meetings with the authority to get the clutter of busses cleared. During the morning n afternoon hours if there happens to be acmedical emergency an AMBULANCE cannot cross the area. Please get the traffic managed by Traffic police to handle the route during school hours. Addressing these issues will greatly improve the quality of life in our area. 
Madhu Kumar, Prabha CGHS
First of all congratulations to our New MP, Mrs. Kamaljeet Sehrawat. Dedicated efforts of her & Karyakartas have converted the occasion into a Grand Victory. Expectations:-
1. Summer is on, should pitch for heavy plantation in Dwarka & surroundings in coming Monsoon season. 2. Cleaning of drains should commence right now. 3.Water supply needs improvement. 4. Switching on/off of main road lights & Service road lights is not proper , needs serious attention. Many times roads remain dark.      
SC Shukla, President
Heritage Towers, Sector - 3

I have lot of expectations from the new MP like: 
1. Controlling Lawlessness in Dwarka. It is a very serious issue and comprehensive planning and execution is required. Are the existing resources including manpower adequate for the Law & Order in Dwarka?
2. Rampant encroachment of footpaths 3. Opening of a skill development centre for imparting training for start-ups and generation of self-employment for youth. 
 Debasis Dutta


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