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Dogs have a remarkable ability to bring unconditional love into our lives. Their loyalty and affection are unmatched, and they can also help us through tough times. They make our lives better in countless ways. It is not a secret that dogs are a man's best friend. Affectionate, intelligent, faithful, loyal, possessing patience and gentleness, protective of his master and territory are generally the qualities which springs to mind whenever we think of a dog. The dog is one of the one of the most popular domestic animals in the world and for more than 12,000 years it has lived with humans as a hunting companion, protector, and a friend. 

International Dog Day is celebrated annually on August 26th each year. It's a day dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the role and the bonding dogs play in our lives. The day highlights the fact that even though most of us show care and love for dogs, there are several others who often brutally abuse them. International Dog Day, 2024 provides an opportunity to spread awareness about such issues and ultimately motivate everyone to take better care of their dogs. It's also a great opportunity to raise awareness about dog adoption, responsible pet ownership, and animal welfare. First established in 2004, the day is celebrated all over the world to encourage people to adopt dogs. International Dog Day was founded by Animal Welfare Advocate and Pet Lifestyle expert Colleen Paige, to celebrate the special bond between dogs and humans. August 26th is chosen because on this date Colleen's family adopted her first dog "Sheltie" from the local animal shelter. The day is all about paying tribute to these incredible animals who work selflessly to bring comfort, keep us safe, and save lives. Besides man’s best friend, dogs are even used in therapy in nursing homes and hospitals to encourage patients toward recovery. The health benefits of dogs can result from contact with dogs in general, not solely from having dogs as pets. For example, when in a pet dog's presence, people show reductions in cardiovascular, behavioural and psychological indicators of anxiety. Dogs put their lives on the line every day. They protect our safety and freedom by detecting drugs and bombs, and also pull victims from wreckages and tragic situations.

Here's few dog lovers talk about their pet-

Olive, our beagle came into our lives on 14th February 2010 and we lost him on 7th July, 2024. He became an integral part of our lives and daily routine. From walks to pet friendly outings, we have 14 years of beautiful memories with him. I am sharing the precious memories of my time with him. The day has come, when nothing is left to pour, in your blue bowl that sits in the corner of the room, empty- Like life without you.

The sound of feet running across the wooden tiles.

Everytime the bell rang or a certain drawer. 

Pulled open in the kitchen,

Only silence rings loudly, I think of you.

I like food, but I loved sharing it with you.

A bite for me, a bite for you. Now I eat in solitude, but my mind still pictures you.

The sun greets me first now, like you did before. I think of you in the morning, curled up in the arch of my knees, licking my toes. Your soft breath and gentle snores, have disappeared into nothingness It's a phenomenal thing, to love and be loved like this. A language not shared in words, but with heart. I still fill your bowl, pouring in love, and greet the sun with a memory of you. The doorbell is a musical reminder that you existed And we shared meals, a home, a lifetime together.

It's not goodbye but thank you for being our family with all your love.

Rhea Pandey, Sector 22

Dream Apartments

Goldu, the Golden Retriever, is a master of mischief. She has a talent for finding the most interesting (and often most inconvenient) items to steal. From socks to slippers, toys to treats, nothing is safe from her curious paws. Goldu loves the thrill of the chase. As soon as she's snatched something, she'll dart off, her tail wagging furiously. The sight of her owner hot on her heels only fuels her excitement. She'll weave in and out of furniture, duck under chairs, and even dive into the nearest bush, all while clutching her prize tightly in her mouth. While Goldu is a master at stealing, she's less enthusiastic about returning her loot. When asked politely (or even not so politely) to give up her treasure, she'll simply shake her head, her eyes sparkling with amusement. She seems to derive immense pleasure from the tug-of-war that often ensues, her tail thumping against the floor with glee. Despite her mischievous nature, Goldu is a beloved family member. Her playful antics bring joy and laughter to their home, and her love for her family is undeniable.

Ashu, Sector-5

“When I first brought my puppy, Max, home, he was tiny and a bit timid. On his first night, he whined and seemed unsure of his new surroundings. To comfort him, I placed a small stuffed animal in his bed. The next morning, I was surprised to find Max curled up with the stuffed toy, as if it were his little companion. Over time, this stuffed animal became his favourite comfort object. Even now, whenever he’s feeling anxious or just needs a nap, he’ll always find his old friend and snuggle with it. It’s heartwarming to see how something so simple has provided him with so much comfort and joy.”

Nitya Singh

I’ve had the privilege of sharing my life with many dogs, both pets and strays. Among them all, my current companion, Kalu, holds a special place in my heart. Kalu is a semi-street dog, a community member who has made our block of 12 flats his home. His name, Kalu, reflects his striking black color. Unlike other street dogs, Kalu has chosen to stay close, never wandering beyond our block. That’s why I call him a semi-street dog-he’s both independent and deeply connected to our community. Kalu has some unique habits that endear him to everyone. He only drinks milk and refuses other food. Despite his street origins, he never barks at anyone, making him a gentle presence in our lives. He often sits quietly in front of my flat, so much so that delivery boys often call us to ensure their safety before approaching. Every morning at 5:00 AM, he accompanies me on my walk, faithfully escorting me to the society’s gate. Later, he sees off my daughter, walking her to her car as she leaves for work. It’s as if he understands our routines and plays his role in them. His presence is a comforting reminder of the quiet strength and unwavering loyalty that dogs bring into our lives.


Our fur baby ' simba' is a gentle giant. A nine year old English mastiff that we got as a cute adorable pup from Ambala. He is protective, loyal and easy going with kids. He is intelligent and lovable. He is very attached to all of us and doesn't eat till everyone is back home in the evening. In case any one of us falls sick, he sits at the foot of that person showing care and affection. A perfect family dog.
Kriti Palit, Sector- 4 

We are thrilled to introduce Azlo, our beloved 1-year-old Golden Retriever, who has quickly become the heart of our home with his boundless energy and affectionate nature. Azlo is the epitome of joy and friendliness. From the moment he joined our family, he has filled our lives with endless playtime and love. Whether it's a game of fetch in the yard or a playful tug-of-war, Azlo's enthusiasm is contagious, making him the perfect companion for both energetic activities and quiet cuddles. What truly sets Azlo apart is his keen sense of curiosity. Whenever he hears a voice outside, you'll find him perched at the windowsill, eagerly watching the world go by. His inquisitive nature and love for people and other dogs make him the ideal companion, always ready to make a new friend.
P K Dutta

International Dog Day was marked with heartfelt joy on Monday, 26th August celebrating the unconditional love our furry companions bring into our lives. For me, the day was all about cherishing the special bond I share with my playful and adorable dog, Buddy.
Buddy is more than just a pet; he’s a loyal friend who fills my days with happiness. Every morning, we have a unique ritual where Buddy waits eagerly by the door for our daily walk. His excitement is infectious, and it’s during these walks that we share some of our most cherished moments, from chasing squirrels to enjoying the morning breeze together. One of Buddy’s endearing habits is how he insists on carrying his favourite toy-an old, worn-out tennis ball – everywhere we go. It’s his little security blanket, and no playtime is complete without it. He has a knack for sensing when I’m feeling down and will nudge me with that ball, reminding me to take a break and play. This International Dog Day, as I celebrated with Buddy, I was reminded of how these small moments define our bond. Buddy is not just a dog; he’s a constant source of love, joy, and companionship, reflecting the incredible bond between humans and their canine friends in our community.
P. Menon


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