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The English language is one of the most popular and widely spoken languages used across the world. Along with French, English is also the working language of the United Nations (UN). English Language Day is the result of a 2010 initiative by the Department of Global Communications. The Day is observed on 23 April to generate awareness regarding the importance of language and is celebrated as a mark of respect and to celebrate the life and work of English poet and writer William Shakespeare, who was born on 23rd April 1564 and died on 23rd April,616. The UN first celebrated English Language Day on April 23, 2010. The main purpose of the UN's language days is to observe multilingualism and cultural diversity. The day prospects the development, history, culture, and achievements associated with the language. 

The theme of the year 2024 is "Using technology for multilingual learning: Challenges and opportunities". The International English Language Day highlights the benefits of learning English, which promotes easy communication. As the world’s universal language, it allows people to connect from different parts of the world, be it for business or leisure. The day aims to entertain and inform people about the history, culture and achievements associated with the language. For a language that was used by only 3 tribes about 1500 years ago, English has official or special status in at least 75 countries with a total population of over two billion. English is spoken by 952 million people around the world as their first language and 603 million people as their second language. On this day several events are organised including book-reading events, English quizzes, poetry and literature exchanges, and other activities that stimulate the English language. The observance of this day underscores the importance of learning and mastering the English language in order to effectively participate in the global community, expand one’s knowledge, and harness the opportunities it offers. “What’s in a name? A rose by any name would smell as sweet”. So spoke Shakespeare. So is English.

Dwarkaites speak about English language day-
Language Acquisition by Reading Reading helps us to gain information about different things, develop new perspectives, stimulate our imagination, improves our vocabulary and helps in the intuitive development of grammar. Studies have shown that reading to babies starting at eight months old has a significant impact on early language development. Books expose children to many new words because they often include unfamiliar words, repeat the same words in a variety of sentences throughout the book, which helps children understand the words, and provide opportunities for children to hear the same words over and over again with repeated readings. Children learn words when they are interested and adults respond by joining in their play or talk. It takes two to talk. Some strategies for schools to promote reading- Schools should promote sight reading in early years. Have class libraries and encourage students to read from this collection. Books should be as per children's level and varied interests. A discussion on the books read a day before should be an important part of the day.
Ms. Nita Arora, Director
Sri Venkateshwar International School, Sector -18

 Amidst a time when millennials are swooned by the allures of social media, reading books is becoming a deserted passion. With an ambition to develop a penchant for reading, here are some tips that will help you go a long way in establishing a beautiful camaraderie of novel lexicons, concepts, and viewpoints with our hard-bounds and paperbacks. Each turned page presents an opportunity to assimilate novel vocabulary, grasp intricate sentence structures, and enhance grammatical finesse. Beyond aiding in articulation, reading nurtures our imaginative faculties and fosters creativity. Therefore, seize a time, embark on a literary voyage, and witness your linguistic aptitude ascend to startling levels with these handful of strategies. 1. Set Aside Time for Reading: Schedule regular reading time each day to make it a habit. This will not only improve your language skills but also foster a love for reading. 2. Keep a Vocabulary Journal: Write down new words and their meanings while reading. Review and use them in your own writing and conversations to reinforce your understanding. 3. Engage in Literary Banter: Engage in discussions with friends, family, or classmates about the books or articles you have read. This can help you analyze the content and improve your comprehension skills. 4. Visit the Library Regularly: Take advantage of your school library resources to explore a wide range of books and other reading materials. Set a personal library at home too, read and re-read. 5. Set Reading Goals: Challenge yourself to read a certain number of books or pages within a specific time frame. Setting goals can motivate you to read more and track your progress. 6. Dive into a Buffet of Reads: Explore different genres such as fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and articles to broaden your vocabulary and understanding of the language. So, read, read and read in order to lead.   

 Ms. Monika Mehan, Principal, M.L. Khanna DAV Public School

In a world dominated by screens and digital distractions, fostering a love for reading among young minds is more crucial than ever. Reading not only enhances language skills but also stimulates imagination, expands knowledge, and fosters ingenuity. It’s essential to employ effective strategies that make reading enjoyable and accessible for all ages. Surround children with books and reading materials in various formats, such as picture books, graphic novels, magazines, and e-books. Allow children to choose their own reading material based on their interests and preferences. As educators, there is a need to provide the ideal platform for fostering reading by organising book clubs, reading circles, or storytelling sessions where children can share their love for books with their peers. By fostering a genuine love for reading, we empower young minds to become lifelong readers and learners. On this English Language Day, let's commit to making language learning an engaging and enjoyable experience at every stage of the language learning journey.

Ms. Meneka I. Singh, Principal, St. Thomas' School, Dwarka

Reading is fundamental! Yes, that’s true. Development of language has been the single most important milestone in the process of human evolution. Eventually, this progression took variety and grew in every part of the planet which naturally sped up the process of development. Children these days are growing up in a world which was very different even a few years ago because they are exposed to things the way we never were. There is certainly a need for a gauge to hold onto the fundamentals. - Start Small: Pick a book at its simplest form and develop a routine to read daily and uninterruptedly. - Start early: Encourage a child to start reading at a very tender age. As the age will progress, this routine will transform into a habit and the results will be incredible in the long run. - Engagement: The reader must be fully engaged with the text, context, progression and syntax of the reading material. Trust me, reading is the best thing that has happened to mankind and it can be the blessing we all are looking forward to in life!             

Ms. Nandini Bidalia, Principal, MDH International School, Dwarka

As spring awakens, GD Goenka Public School, Dwarka, proudly unveils "English Month," a vibrant tribute to the world's language. Throughout April, we embark on a delightful journey to ignite a love for English. Students will weave magic through self-composed poetry, debates, and spelling bees. Vlog- making and dialogue writing competitions will spark their digital prowess and storytelling flair. Our grand finale on English Language Day showcases student talent. A theatrical presentation of Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew" alongside recitals of his sonnets and ballads brings the bard's mastery to life. The assembly also featured lively presentations and dance performances, all interwoven to celebrate the language's global reach. This immersive program promises to cultivate exceptional linguistic skills in our students.

Ms. Jyotika Jakhar, Vice Principal, GD Goenka Public School

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