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Broken roads and footpaths, sanitation and garbage disposal have been very contentious issues of the sub city. Along with this are the drains and their maintenance. Such poor infrastructure is only a cause of alarm and concern. Broken drains without covers are an ugly sight as well as a threat for the residents and pedestrians and motorists alike. There are pedestrians and senior citizens walking there and the deep hole can be dangerous. The apathy in maintenance of civic infrastructure is glaring. It is difficult to walk in the dirty puddles of water and the garbage lying all around. The DDA and MCD have just turned a blind eye to this critical and important part of basic civic facilities. The situation is indeed appalling and needs immediate action.

Open drains pose a huge risk for all-
We have focused time and again on the condition of the drains and footpaths. Both are in a bad state and need maintenance as they are in a very pathetic condition and need immediate attention and repair. This has been pointed out to the authorities by residents several times but till now no action has been taken. Manholes and drain covers are missing at many places and despite numerous requests from residents of the two sectors, the authorities have turned a blind eye to these gaping holes. Choked sewers, clogged drains and nullahs and improper drainage systems all contribute to the problems for the residents of Dwarka. There is a total apathy towards the civic infrastructure and the authorities have to take it up on a war footing.
There is a continuous stink in Sector 6 and 10 near the red light. This is due to the open drain which is full of sewer water and garbage that is being thrown in it and has never been cleaned. It is such a pathetic sight. Due to the fact that the drains have not been cleaned and are full of garbage, plastic and other wastes, these have got clogged and the sewer water is not able to flow through. Similarly the footpath with an open drain in front of Singla's Sweet & Baker, Sector-9, is dangerous and risky. Also many times overflowing and water enters the roads. The dirty stagnant water also floods the roads and has become stagnant. Informs Ms. Asha Bhat, a resident, “This is a terrible state in a public place like a market. It is an open invitation for the spread of deadly diseases such as malaria and dengue. Already there are several cases of dengue and still the authorities turn a blind eye to such unhygienic conditions right under their noses.

Many footpaths and roads of the sub city have missing manhole covers over the drains in many parts of the sub city. In many places these have been broken for quite some time and the residents and pedestrians were having great inconvenience walking on the footpath which had gaping holes and cracked manholes. There have been many cases of pedestrians getting hurt, some seriously, after falling into the open manholes. The footpath near Sector 10 Market is in virtual shambles. It is not usable and pedestrians have to walk on the road which is already full of chaotic traffic. The open drain and broken footpath at Tikona park, Sector 8 roundabout near sector 9 metro station also causes lots of inconvenience to pedestrians. There are damaged and broken tiles in front of Hotel Vivanta by Taj, Sector 21. Similarly near EPFO complex and its line till Sector 19 there is a drain open, garbage is lying strewn around and the footpath is damaged. In Sector 19, there is an open drain and the tiles have been removed from the footpath.

Broken roads- The roads in many Sectors of Dwarka are in a pathetic condition. Most of them are either broken or dug up. They have become totally unusable and in-fact risky for pedestrians. The broken road behind Sector -10 market bus stand is broken and malba is strewn all around making it impossible for the commuters to walk. Says Dr. Ashok Jain, "This raises the serious question of the safety of residents and anyone walking on the footpaths and the responsibility of the authorities. This is a criminal offence”. There is a broken road in front of Sector -6, pocket-2 entry gate and a broken road at Chandanwari Apartments and the service road, Sector-10. Similarly, the service road at Sector-23 is broken. Numerous requests and representations on this have gone unheard.
Sign boards not visible - The problems faced by residents due to bad and broken roads are further compounded by the inconvenience caused by the non-functional sign boards which need immediate repair and regular maintenance. For example, the sign board is covered with overgrown trees at Sector 10 & 13 road. This makes it totally worthless and of no use for the residents for what it was intended.

Garbage management a big menace -
Issues of garbage, one of the most critical issues that has been plaguing the residents, is assuming alarming proportions and the authorities need to wake up to the enormity of this problem. The image of Dwarka of a clean and efficient residential haven is fast eroding. The condition of services is particularly pathetic and pitiable. Anyone going round the sub city is witness to the bad management or lack of any serious willingness or intention on the part of the authorities, particularly in the management of garbage. There is a heap of garbage near Center for Sight and near Pacific Mall Sector-21. Says Mrs. Radhika Pal, a professor “Look at the heaps of garbage littered on the road sides and now even in market areas. In the busy markets, in particular, there is no sign of this being collected regularly and efforts are not made to dispose of them properly. The dustbins are overflowing with garbage and more garbage is just added to it every day." One can see garbage in front of Sector -23 Police Station as well. The MCD is not doing its duty properly. There should be strict enforcement of responsibilities and duties by various agencies such as MCD, DDA etc., for cleanliness, garbage collection and disposal etc.


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